[ Renungan 19 Januari 2017 ]
Obat yang Manjur
Amsal 17:22 ( IMB )
Hati yang gembira adalah obat yang menyembuhkan, tetapi semangat yang patah membuat tulang-tulang menjadi kering.
Cara mengemudi yang serampangan, emosi yang memuncak, dan lontaran bahasa kasar di kalangan pengemudi taksi dan angkutan umum merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya keributan di jalanan kota kami, Accra, Ghana. Namun suatu hari, saya menyaksikan salah satu kecelakaan lalu lintas yang berakhir dengan tidak lazim. Sebuah bus hampir ditabrak oleh taksi yang dikemudikan dengan sembrono. Saya mengira sopir bus itu akan marah dan meneriaki si pengemudi taksi. Ternyata tidak. Sopir bus itu justru mengendurkan raut wajahnya yang tegang dan tersenyum lebar ke arah si pengemudi taksi yang terlihat merasa bersalah. Senyuman itu sangat manjur. Sambil melambaikan tangan, sopir taksi itu meminta maaf, balas tersenyum, lalu melanjutkan perjalanannya. Ketegangan pun memudar.
Sebuah senyuman mempunyai dampak yang menakjubkan bagi kinerja otak kita. Para peneliti telah menemukan bahwa “ketika kita tersenyum, otak kita melepaskan senyawa kimiawi bernama endorfin yang benar-benar menghasilkan efek menenangkan secara fisiologis.” Sebuah senyuman tak hanya dapat meredakan situasi yang tegang, tetapi juga dapat meredakan ketegangan dalam diri kita. Emosi kita mempengaruhi diri sendiri dan juga orang lain. Alkitab mengajar kita, “Segala kepahitan, kegeraman, kemarahan, pertikaian dan fitnah hendaklah dibuang dari antara kamu, demikian pula segala kejahatan. Tetapi hendaklah kamu ramah seorang terhadap yang lain” (Ef. 4:31-32).
Ketika kemarahan, ketegangan, atau kepahitan mengancam hubungan kita dengan Tuhan dan sesama, baiklah kita mengingat bahwa “hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur” agar kita tetap bersukacita dan mengalami damai sejahtera.
Pikirkan suatu waktu ketika Anda marah kepada seseorang atau ketika Anda berdebat sengit dengan seseorang. Bagaimana perasaan Anda? Bagian manakah dalam hidup Anda yang dipengaruhi oleh perasaan tersebut?
Kita menemukan sukacita ketika kita belajar untuk hidup dalam kasih Yesus.
Paulus menasihati para pembacanya, “segala kepahitan, kegeraman, kemarahan, pertikaian dan fitnah hendaklah dibuang dari antara kamu, demikian pula segala kejahatan” (Ef. 4:31). Kata “dibuang” diterjemahkan dari kata “artheto” yang dalam bahasa Yunani berarti mengangkat sesuatu yang berat dan menyingkirkannya. Ketika Roh Kudus meminta kita menyingkirkan cara hidup kita yang lama (4:17-24), kita harus taat, agar hidup kita dapat dipenuhi dengan kasih dan pengampunan Kristus (ay.32)
Tuhan Yesus Memberkati 🙏
Rabu, 18 Januari 2017
Senin, 16 Januari 2017
Penghapus Pensil dan Darah YESUS
Penghapus Pensil dan Darah YESUS
Penghapus Pensil bukanlah hal asing di telinga kita. Benda ini sering dipakai dari berbagai golongan baik itu anak-anak ataupun orang dewasa.
Terkadang ketika kita menulis di selembar kertas kosong pasti kita pernah melakukan kesalahan, entah itu karena kita salah menulis kalimat atau tak sengaja kita mencoret.
Dan hal yang paling kita butuhkan adalah penghapus untuk membersihkannya bukan?
Lalu apa bedanya dengan Darah YESUS?
Darah YESUS sangatlah berharga. Coba kita bayangkan seseorang mati untuk kita, Dia bahkan tak pernah sama sekali melakukan perbuatan dosa tapi Dia rela mati untuk kita. Dia ingin kita bersih dari dosa-dosa kegelapan, supaya kita terlihat seperti kertas kosong yang bersih dan murni.
Bapa menggunakan AnakNya untuk menghapus dosa kita. Apa kalian sadar Bapa kita sungguh luar biasa kasihNya, dan Dia sungguh baik.
• Tuhan yang menciptakan manusia dan seisi dunia
• Adam dan Hawa melakukan kesalahan fatal sehingga manusia jatuh ke dalam dosa. Tapi waktu Tuhan menyuruh Adam dan Hawa pergi meninggalkan Taman Eden Dia menyembelih hewan, agar kulit hewan itu dapat di pakai Adam dan Hawa untuk menutupi tubuhnya, tak hanya itu Tuhan bahkan yg memakaikan Adam dan Hawa pakaian kulit hewan itu.
• Setelah beberapa waktu Tuhan mengutus AnakNya Yesus Kristus turun ke bumi untuk menghapus dosa manusia dan mendamaikan hubungan antara Allah dan manusia
• Tapi pada akhirnya manusia malah sering menyakitiNya dan itu termasuk kita.. dan itu terus terjadi..
Lalu di sebut apakah kita ini?
Manusia tak tahu diri?
Mungkin ini kata yang tepat buat kita, karena kita terkadang menyia-nyiakan kebaikan Tuhan tanpa kita sadari. Dan ingat tidak ada manusia mana pun yang dapat bertahan berhadapan dengan Tuhan
Ayo kita hidup untukNya dan tolong jangan sakiti Dia lagi..
Jika kau benar-benar mencintai dan mengasihiNya.
Jesus Bless You..
Penghapus Pensil bukanlah hal asing di telinga kita. Benda ini sering dipakai dari berbagai golongan baik itu anak-anak ataupun orang dewasa.
Terkadang ketika kita menulis di selembar kertas kosong pasti kita pernah melakukan kesalahan, entah itu karena kita salah menulis kalimat atau tak sengaja kita mencoret.
Dan hal yang paling kita butuhkan adalah penghapus untuk membersihkannya bukan?
Lalu apa bedanya dengan Darah YESUS?
Darah YESUS sangatlah berharga. Coba kita bayangkan seseorang mati untuk kita, Dia bahkan tak pernah sama sekali melakukan perbuatan dosa tapi Dia rela mati untuk kita. Dia ingin kita bersih dari dosa-dosa kegelapan, supaya kita terlihat seperti kertas kosong yang bersih dan murni.
Bapa menggunakan AnakNya untuk menghapus dosa kita. Apa kalian sadar Bapa kita sungguh luar biasa kasihNya, dan Dia sungguh baik.
• Tuhan yang menciptakan manusia dan seisi dunia
• Adam dan Hawa melakukan kesalahan fatal sehingga manusia jatuh ke dalam dosa. Tapi waktu Tuhan menyuruh Adam dan Hawa pergi meninggalkan Taman Eden Dia menyembelih hewan, agar kulit hewan itu dapat di pakai Adam dan Hawa untuk menutupi tubuhnya, tak hanya itu Tuhan bahkan yg memakaikan Adam dan Hawa pakaian kulit hewan itu.
• Setelah beberapa waktu Tuhan mengutus AnakNya Yesus Kristus turun ke bumi untuk menghapus dosa manusia dan mendamaikan hubungan antara Allah dan manusia
• Tapi pada akhirnya manusia malah sering menyakitiNya dan itu termasuk kita.. dan itu terus terjadi..
Lalu di sebut apakah kita ini?
Manusia tak tahu diri?
Mungkin ini kata yang tepat buat kita, karena kita terkadang menyia-nyiakan kebaikan Tuhan tanpa kita sadari. Dan ingat tidak ada manusia mana pun yang dapat bertahan berhadapan dengan Tuhan
Ayo kita hidup untukNya dan tolong jangan sakiti Dia lagi..
Jika kau benar-benar mencintai dan mengasihiNya.
Jesus Bless You..
Kamis, 15 Desember 2016
Resume volare chit chat
How do I put this?
How do I put this?
In this segment,
I learned to look for the meaning of idioms and how to pronounce idiom. The
idiom is a combination of words that have a meaning that is not the meaning of
the elements of words meaning is not the meaning of the words of its
constituent elements.
A walk in the park
Meaning: The job is very easy (like a walk in the park).
2. Achilles’ heel
Meaning: The weak
point someone (Achilles is a Greek legend is immune
weapons except in the knees).
Bark up the wrong tree
Meaning: Angry /
nagging / advise / talking / asking the wrong person.
4. Bed of Roses
Meaning: Something fancy and fun.
Better safe than sorry
Meaning: It is
better to be prepared than to be sorry (willing umbrella before it rains)
Meaning of idiom
that stole the lightning is meaningful to steal someone's idea or doing
something that has been thought of others to obtain rewards or can be
interpreted distracts others who are focused on things that are being discussed
and the meaning of idioms that go up in flames was a failure, loss, or ruined
it outside.
-Two language
The news that I hear about UPS in container shipping blood and vaccines using drones in container
-English, Please
There are two speakers,
-Two language
The news that I hear about UPS in container shipping blood and vaccines using drones in container
-English, Please
There are two speakers,
: he said that the things
that bothers is something I do not like anything that does not correspond to
what I expected.
Mis.Dini : he said that the things that bothers is something that could disturb my mood
English Please
Topics in this segment of learning English through the tv series. There are two speakers, they say that there are other ways to learn English for example is learning English through the tv series does not like movies tv series takes years to complete in addition to that we can learn English grammar and vocabulary through a TV series that can improve our skills, not only to learn we can also obtain when we learn English through the tv series.
English Please
Topics in this segment of learning English through the tv series. There are two speakers, they say that there are other ways to learn English for example is learning English through the tv series does not like movies tv series takes years to complete in addition to that we can learn English grammar and vocabulary through a TV series that can improve our skills, not only to learn we can also obtain when we learn English through the tv series.
Rabu, 14 Desember 2016
Your top recommendations for things to do in your town
“attraction area Ngabang – Mandor (Kab.Landak)”
urchin is one of
the district division of the District Pontianak about 8 years ago, not
only has a tourism culture events but also has historical attractions ptensi be
a mainstay for the face West Kalimantan in
the future, As for the historical tourist sites in Country
Intan this ie ”Makam Juang Mandor, Rumah Betang Saham, Keraton and Makam
Raja Landak” plus the potential of nature tourism that is “Air Terjun
Melanggar and Gunung Sehaq”.
“Makan Juang Mandor”
Located 88 kilometer from the city of Pontianak or 75 kilometers from the city Ngabang and
can be achieved with two and four-wheeled vehicles. eat different environment
di10 this location there is also a ”Cakar Alam”.
Makam Juang
Mandor a result of the massacre on 28 June 1944 by the Japanese occupation.
according to historical records as many as 21 037 murder victims are buried in
this tomb 10.
“Rumah Betang Saham”
located 52 km from the district capital Landak situated in the Desa
Saham, Kec. Sengah Temila, Kab. Landak. Rumah Betang The community is home
Dayak Kanayant. Rumah Betang This stands ince 1875, the building consists of 35 doors or block any
door or block occupied by the head of the family and a length of 180 meters.
Istana Kerajaan”
Ngabang located
in the city, district three main elements, namely “Istana Ismahayana
Landak, Kerotan Landak, and Makam Para Sultan Landak and relatives.
deemed incomplete, when tourists do not stop by to visit the tomb of the
kings Landak when visiting Kompleks Kerotan
Landak, tombs of the sultan and his relatives located next to a mosque
Djami’ Kerotan Landak.
“Air Terjun
located 220 from
the district capital, the waterfall with seven levels is located in Kec.
Air Besar. height of each level is approximately 70 meters. location can be
reached by land transportation to Serimbu and continued to wade through a
cascade of rushing water and walk.
”Gunung Sehaq”
Gunung Sehaq one of nature into the potential of the district Landak for
a market, traditional society, located 48 km from the district capital
precisely in Kec. Sengah Temila. Gunung Sehaq formerly known as the anchor for motorists
passing the area, now has become a stopover location or resting both riders
from the district residents Landak
outer Landak and abroad including Malaysia,
in the area Gunung Sehaq There are a number of traditional
markets ranging from handicrafts, agriculture such as fruit and more.
Thus glimpse
travel news and natural history of the districts Landak, with the aim to
recommend or introduce it-many people have a story that
District Landak
Senin, 12 Desember 2016
Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go
Two things are always brought everywhere.
Ada dua it is
always taken when traveling somewhere, either in a distant place or at a nearby
Where these two
things have their respective roles according to the needs and uses, dau
examples of it are as follows:
1. 1.
Wallet is a small
pouch that is formulated and designed, purses have utility, and was
instrumental in everyday life.
Why should wallets are always taken anywhere? Yes, of course, very clearly purse is a bag that serves to save money while traveling, why the money has
not kept disaku alone could have?, Yes, can, But it is not money alone that should be
kept in a purse and carry while traveling, other items also need to be taken
such as Vehicle registration number of motorcycles,
ID cards,
license, dan there
are many more Functions purses, wallets therefore always be brought anywhere,
actually not that important, but the content of her wallet in her purse
paramount. not possible any Vehicle registration
number of motorcycles, ID cards, driver's license,
teller machine card, We want to keep in your pocket while traveling, that is funny happens.
Looks can be, Just too busy, then.
2. Mobile.
Mobile juga already
is a basic requirement we as social beings, who have a relationship of
communication with others. Mobile also always carry around a while
longer to travel, because mobile also has its own role, Mobile phones
are very functional when we are on a long journey, for example, such a sudden
we run into a small problem like a road out of gas in a place away from the
market or seller of gasoline, and that's where the role of mobile phones,
we could call the home or friends
which is roughly close to the place where we run out of gas, we can ask for help to help us, at least
be able to tell if we again experienced a minor problem that was. Inevitably they must have come to help, let alone ask
for help it one of the members our family, perhaps
our father or our brother, or even our mothers, could not go unpunished,
That is the function of the mobile phone, hence the need to carry around while
on travel. Actually there are many more function is of mobile phones, Mobile
also helps you locate any bias when we want to go someplace that has been
planned together with certain people, for example, co-workers, college buddies,
Or those that are considered important, but we do not know the location of the
place or address of the place, we can find these locations using a mobile
phone. So we need to carry a cell phone anywhere on the go, because it is very
helpful when in distress.
Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016
Favorite food
Fried rice
Fried rice
Fried Rice: Fried rice is a food such as fried rice and mixed with cooking oil or margarine, usually plus soy sauce, onion, garlic, tamarind, pepper
and other spices such as eggs, chicken, and crackers.
The fried rice is a food typical of Indonesia, in Indonesia easiest found food fried rice good name of small canteens, Cafes,
restaurants, mega malls, and until the restaurant is the largest and most
expensive in Indonesia itself. After searching
on google I was not just me who's most like fried rice,tapi there are also a
lot of fans outside of fried rice, both from inside the country and
abroad for example the Caucasians, Caucasian people
whose names most like fried rice. Caucasians do
not know why people like to eat fried rice turns especially if they again
vacation in Indonesia are nothing if not definite message already eat fried rice.
I liked the fried rice is not due only tastes good, but there are still
many other things that make me love this food, examples
of simple appearance, but many
variations, from this simple appearance, the fried rice was able to conquer my
Besides that made me love the fried rice was a scent that makes the stomach
more and more hungry.
Here I have a recipe to make fried rice with good taste and delicious.
Simple Fried Rice
material :
- 1 eggs
- 3-4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 6 tablespoons oil for sauteing
- 1-2
tablespoons of tomato sauce.
- 3
clove of garlic
- 6
spring onions
- 3-5 pieces of red pepper or to taste
- ½ teaspoon shrimp paste
- -
Salt to taste.
How to make / cook.
1. Puree all fried rice seasoning in advance, then add the oil to the skillet, then
enter 1 egg and scrambled until cooked. Lift and desired.
Saute the spice that has been mashed up
3. Put white rice, and stir until blended.
After wrapping,
feedback tomato sauce, soy sauce and egg, then mix well.
Lift and fried
rice ready to serve.
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