Kamis, 17 November 2016


Favorite song

Favorite song that song often heard, of the other songs. , The song is catchy, easy-lived, and the most popular in its time.
My favorite song titled “ONE THING (ft Chad sugg)” sung by Alex Good & Frends”. This song is no stranger to young people today, because it has a lot of songs - songs that are sung popular and new artists on the rise and this lahu also been too long publication.

I still raised high this song personally, because this song there is little historical moment for me and the family, not only that this song is also a plaintive song, although not sesendu possible, of music is also very supporting in hearing and appreciation.

Although honestly do not all understand every word for me to know about my favorite relationship with this song, but again this is always delivered when I go to sleep, when relaxing, while watching and any other activities.

This song that I always listen to every time I want to listen to music, Early open handphone willing to listen to music, certainly entitled ONE THING (ft Chad sugg) first sought from the music list.
Not to be outdone, also named favorite music, this is definitely the one who heard first, even though it was time to change the song but still it again repeated at most three times to repeat it.

So again the following day. Listen again, and over again, until you find enough of, but whose name your favorite song is not going to last fed.

That's my reason why I love the song ONE THING” ?
everything I have explained and already exposed in my blog ...

Let's continue exploring my blog, fun going ... .. astatfti.blogspot.com”

Nama : Astat
NIM  : D1042161028

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