Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016


Favorite food
Fried rice

Fried Rice: Fried rice is a food such as fried rice and mixed with cooking oil or margarine, usually plus soy sauce, onion, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices such as eggs, chicken, and crackers.
The fried rice is a food typical of Indonesia, in Indonesia easiest found food fried rice good name of small canteens, Cafes, restaurants, mega malls, and until the restaurant is the largest and most expensive in Indonesia itself.  After searching on google I was not just me who's most like fried rice,tapi there are also a lot of fans outside of fried rice, both from inside the country and abroad for example the Caucasians, Caucasian people whose names most like fried rice. Caucasians do not know why people like to eat fried rice turns especially if they again vacation in Indonesia are nothing if not definite message already eat fried rice.
I liked the fried rice is not due only tastes good, but there are still many other things that make me love this food, examples of simple appearance, but many variations, from this simple appearance, the fried rice was able to conquer my curiosity.
Besides that made me love the fried rice was a scent that makes the stomach more and more hungry.

Here I have a recipe to make fried rice with good taste and delicious.
Simple Fried Rice
material :
-          -   500 grams of white rice
-          -   1 eggs
-          -   3-4 tablespoons soy sauce
-          -   6 tablespoons oil for sauteing
-          -   1-2 tablespoons of tomato sauce.
-          -   3 clove of garlic
-          -   6 spring onions
-          -   3-5 pieces of red pepper or to taste
-          -       ½ teaspoon shrimp paste
-         -        Salt to taste.
How to make / cook.
1.   Puree all fried rice seasoning in advance, then add the oil to the skillet, then enter 1 egg and scrambled until cooked. Lift and desired.
2.      Saute the spice that has been mashed up fragrant.
3.      Put white rice, and stir until blended.
4.      After wrapping, feedback tomato sauce, soy sauce and egg, then mix well.
5.      Lift and fried rice ready to serve.

source recipes:›resep.

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