Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at Untan

The reason I chose informatics

-:- FOREWORD -:-

Hay, Guys…ASTAT introduce my name, do people usually cal me ASTAT, still remains equally important catchy. I was bron in a village green with the cool, many trees are beautiful, I had not yet know the name of informatics.It’s known is also the name of the village, do not know what is was informatics let alone know the science, informatics smelling stuff just did not have.I was 18 years old, with a very young age, I have a target to be able to achieve the deepest possible knowledge up in java, which would smelled science informaticsWith age still unstable like me, are very influential in terms of critical thinking, especially in terms of choosing because I with two choices eve more than two.For example like yesterday before becoming a university student Tanjungpura I required to choose a university, and depertments, but before that in my mind is one thing options that had been there since sitting Senior High School, although I do not know whether it could take me far better, useful, reliable, and propesional.But I am sure what is the power option that is best for me, even though they say it does not fit in with people like me, whether or not it depends on me.My control and I were running. What is that..? that science informatics. It was my choice, and who had been there before I plunged into the world of lectures-:-  WHY


Is especiallyInformatics that thing makes me very curious, plus I also like to informatics. For life in my village want to buy a laptop because the economy made it impossible to do anything. And there I liked the laptop to date. So I choose informatics, when it falls in the world of informatics.

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